Saturday, March 5, 2011

Resources and Interesting Readings from the Past Week.

Some of the more interesting reads and resources from the past week.

Jon Stewart Message for Teachers.


Ten Marks:  A program that is designed to help your students with their math.  The content is tied to state standards.

Image Chart Editor from Google  Tool that allows you create or edit charts.

Wordology Interactive maps to use in your class.  Great with a IWB.  Sharable Sticky notes.  Some similarities with Wallwisher.

My Fake Wall:  Have your students create Facebook pages for historical characters without being on Facebook.

Quizlet:  Nice tool for creating flashcards.  Also has Apps for Smartphones. Students can study on the go.

Interesting Reads:

Are Your Speaking where people are listening?  From the Blue Skunk Bog Post talks about effective ways of communicating information.

All A-bored:  from Demand EUPHORIA

Keeping it Real.  Ideas for School, Educators and Students.  from the  Innovative Educator

Are we Wired for Mobile Learning:  A nice infographic.